🙆 UK | Cupcake Frappucino £3.60
⚠ A serious complain to Starbuck, scroll down below!!!
伏已中😠😠 前排英國Starbuck搞左個投票,最多人投票既Frappucino味道就將會再出返。本身見好多人投Cookies&Dough既時候已經好想試,點知...期望愈大失望愈大😭
買果陣,店員同我講佢地無晒朱古力碎,問我仲要唔要,咁佢同我講朱古力碎只係topping,對飲品既味道唔會有太大分別,我就照order喇😶 一見到呢杯Cookies& Dough時,已經覺得貨不對辦,話無朱古力碎姐,點解連曲奇碎一丁點都無?😣 一飲,嘩,痴線 !好 難 飲。無曲奇味都算啦,仲有我勁僧勁僧既杏仁味,我重申,係成杯都係杏仁味,飲左一啖已經想嘔😥 身邊兩個朋友,試左一啖,都差啲嘔返出黎😕
走去問Barista,係咪比錯我,佢好肯定話無,仲話杯飲品係用milk, cookies, cream and white mocha打成。我真係有一刻懷疑係咪自己味蕾有問題😐 之後我好奇上Starbuck ig睇, 迷底已經解開,我果杯好明顯係Cupcake 囉,相似度達99%,又係白,之後啲人comment又係鬧Cupcake frappucino有幾難飲。唉…最傷心係,係starbuck時,成杯frappucino拎去Barista面前,明明個樣係Cupcake (都要怪我事前無做足功課🙁),佢都夠膽同我講係Cookies& Dough,好失望😖😖
Was very excited to try Cookies & Dough Frappucino, but it turned out to be a disaster for me😭
When I ordered my drink, the staff asked me did I feel good if the Cookies&Dough Frappucino served without chocolate chips. Since I was told chocolate chips were just topping so there were no big difference in taste with or without it. Then fine, I was still go ahead with it.
When my drink was down, I was suprised how did it look like (apparently you could see the drink was totally white) and after a first sip, I almost threw up as the the taste was absolutely off, I didnt taste any cookies, instaed it had a strong almond flavour😫 After that, I double checked with Barista to see if I was given the right one, and he insisted this was Cookies one, and further explained it was blended with cookies, milk, cream and white mocha. Ok, I trusted his professional.
My curiousity led me to Starbuck's instagram, then I found how the Cupcake frappucino looked like and it had 99% of similarity with mine one, therefore I am sure I was given the wrong drink. 😣What makes me disappointed was when I took the frappucino to have a check with Barista, and he insisted that was Cookies and Dough even though the drink looked exactly the same with Cupcake one. I honestly doubt the professional of barista in Starbuck, staff training seriously need to be improved😖